Akashic Records Reading

Energetic readings to help you understand your soul’s journey and life purpose.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records hold the information of all actions, thoughts, emotions of all beings, including past lives. These are energetic readings. We all have access to our own personal information in the Akashic Records. The messages from the Akashic Records are kind and non-judgmental. They can help you understand how your past has affected your current situation and guide you in the present for the future. These are not fortune telling readings. You will only receive information that is helpful to you, so there is nothing to fear. The Akashic Records allow access to all thoughts, emotions, actions, and occurrences of people and places in relationship to yourself and your soul's journey of the past, present, and future projection. This can include insights into past lives and inter-generational patterns for self healing. These readings can help you understand your current situation so you can feel empowered to make the best decisions for yourself. It can help you understand your past and present and help you navigate the future.

Possible benefits of receiving an Akashic Records Reading:

  • Gives a spiritual perspective on past situations to offer lessons and healing.

  • Offers guidance on current situations and to manifest your dreams.

  • Helps you learn how to move through life with more grace and ease.

  • Helps you move through your personal blocks.

  • Helps you to learn about your hidden talents.

  • Helps you to serve the highest good.

  • Helps you to understand and heal from a past life experience or inter-generational patterns that could be holding you back.

  • Helps you draw strength from past life experiences or ancestral knowledge.

What to expect during an Akashic Records Reading?

An Akashic Records Reading (45-min) offers insight to your current situations to help empower you.

The flow of the session usually follows the steps below:

  1. I will give a brief introduction to the Akashic Records and answer any questions you may have. We will also go over your intentions for the session and if you have any specific questions for the Akashic Records.

  2. I will lead you in a short grounding meditation so we can further set your intentions for the session.

  3. I will open you Akashic Records by reciting aloud an opening key.

  4. When I’m in your Akashic Records, I will first tell you any messages that are waiting for you. I will describe what I feel, hear, see, and know.

  5. After I deliver your initial messages, I will ask you if you would like to clarify anything or if you would like to ask any questions that were not addressed. I will give you a warning to ask a final question before I have to close your Akashic Records.

  6. When it’s time to close out the session, I will recite aloud a closing key.

  7. Afterward, we will have a couple of minutes to discuss the experience and debrief. I can give you suggestions for next steps or resources if you wish.

Optional Add-on Angel Card Reading

You may also choose to add on a 15-min Angel Card Reading for $20. The Angel Card Reading can offer further guidance and reinforce the messages from the Akashic Records Reading from the perspective of the angels.

Please keep in mind that prior to booking a session:

  • You must be of 18 years and older to participate in a session.

  • No voice or video recording allowed.

  • Taking notes is encouraged.

  • No refunds.

  • Please read the complete Terms & Policies


1 on 1 Session for Akashic Records Reading (20-min): $111 (Virtual or phone only)

1 on 1 Session for Akashic Records Reading (45-min): $222 (Virtual or phone only)

+Optional add-on Angel Card Reading (15-min): $20

Book an appointment.

Want to start creating a life that is aligned with your unique divine self? Gain clarity and guidance by booking a session. You deserve a life full of love, joy, and happiness.

To book an appointment, fill out the form below:

  1. Choose the appointment type

  2. Type in your information

  3. Receive confirmation

  4. Make your payment

What People Are Saying


“Thank you Kat for the spot on Akashic reading. You answered my questions with specific information that brought clarity and guidance.

— Patti C.

“I received an absolutely beautiful reading from Kat. It made me feel excitement, hope for the future and energy for the present. I also felt like her reading gave me some new insight into my desires, priorities and direction in life. I highly recommend working with her.”

— Jane K.